Tuesday, July 30, 2013

One of Those Days . . .

Today was just one of those days where I didn't feel like getting up and wasted the first half of the day just laying around, basically.  Today is just one of those days where I don't feel like doing much of anything, yet, I did get out of the apartment.  My best friend and I went to Rudy's Hot Dog and we went a couple of other places and so it was nice spending some time with him, as always. I've also been trying to prevent a migraine from coming on and hopefully I'm successful.  I'm using ginkgo biloba liquid extract.  So far, I've just had a bit of a sinus headache.  So, I don't want it to get any worse and I'm trusting God that the ginkgo will do the trick.

Anywhoo, I will be praying the Rosary soon with Mother Angelica and the Sisters on EWTN!! Praying the Rosary is always one of my TOP favorite things to do everyday!! I LOVE JESUS AND OUR LADY very much!! I don't know where I'd be without Them!!

God bless!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013


Sunday was a very beautiful day!!  The weather was just perfect -- a little bit cloudy, though -- and it was a bit cool outside.  But, the most important thing was attending the Latin Tridentine Mass at my beloved parish!! I met three young people before the Mass and spoke a little bit more to them afterward.

During the Mass, I just knew that the two young men want to become Priests.  As it turns out, Jared is not sure if that's what he wants -- but, he has the vocation . . . he probably just doesn't know it yet.  And, Eddie wants to become a Priest!! I don't know if I will see them again because they came from the southern part of Ohio. I wish I could keep in touch with them. They came here because of "Exclaim"!! We must pray for those two young men!!  GOD BLESS THEM!!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Be Kind To One Another!!

Being that I don't know who reads my blogs, or if anyone does, for that matter, I really don't know what to post. Perhaps, as time goes on, I'll post things that actually make sense and have a good effect on someone. It's kind of like I'm just typing to myself. Maybe I am.  Perhaps this more like keeping a diary.

But, for any of you, who do read this, you must always be kind to one another.  You don't have to agree on certain things.  But, you must always be kind. Perhaps lots of readers are on facebook, twitter, or both. As you know, most of the people we deal with on such sites, we have never ever met. So, we don't know the family situations they are experiencing.  Some people get on facebook and/or twitter as an escape route from their problems.  We have absolutely no idea as to how the individual is really feeling once they get on facebook and/or twitter.  By how we treat people -- and especially on facebook and/or twitter (because we don't physically see them) -- we can either make someone's dark day darker or their dark day brighter.  I prefer the latter. I  hope YOU do too!!

So, that's my words of wisdom for the day!!

God bless you all!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Rambling . . .

Well, I'm just trying to figure out this blog site right now.  I'm sure that I will be making more changes because the words are kind of difficult to read on the background picture. So, I shall see how this works out.


Hi!!  I am Kristi and I intend to use this blog to just post random stuff. I hope that this will be a very uplifting blog.  Enjoy!!

God bless you!!!