Saturday, August 31, 2013

Feeling a Bit Bummed Out at the Moment!!

Yes, I've been feeling a bit bummed out for the past few hours, so far, for no important reason.  But, this will pass.  We all get this way.  It's only human. 

Oftentimes, there are reasons why people feel a bit depressed; and sometimes, there are no specific reasons. But, it's the kind of thing where we just can't take a pain pill for.  It's just something that we have to deal with.

Oftentimes, I'll feel normal throughout the day and then just suddenly feel bummed out.  Sometimes the bummed-out feeling lasts a few minutes.  But, more often than not, it lasts for several hours and maybe even the rest of the day and night. Perhaps feeling this way at night could be just because of being tired. Who knows?!  But, it's something that will pass.

I do encourage all of you readers to please read my post regarding depression here:  Perhaps it will help some of you readers, as it is intended to.  It's about my own experiences with the stuff.

God bless you all!!  

Friday, August 30, 2013

Some Humor!!

If ya need a little laugh -- or a little pick-me-up -- here ya go, and especially for you "CSI" fans:

Earlier today, as I was at a local restaurant with my best friend, I saw this man, who was wearing a shirt with a funny statement on it!! On his shirt was the following statement:

"CSI:  Can't Stand Idiots"!!

I still laugh at this and I even commented to him, and the dear lady he was with, about it a couple of times.  I told him that from now on, whenever I watch "CSI", I'm gonna be thinking of that shirt -- that statement!! I mean, that's a GOOD ONE!! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Random Thursday Thoughts!!

Well, since I really don't know what to post about, I'll just leave it up to The Holy Ghost as to what He Wishes me to type.

My best friend and I did spend some time visiting JESUS, in The Most Holy Eucharist, today.  I try to visit JESUS, in The Most Holy Eucharist, everyday.  He Is Very Lonely and I need the graces from Him!! I especially love to pray The Most Holy Rosary of The Blessed Virgin Mary when visiting JESUS in the Tabernacle. I love all of the special graces that I get, that I don't normally get when I'm the Rosary at home, when praying in front of Him in The Most Holy Eucharist!! More people need to visit Him!!

Just thinking about it, in these modern Catholic Churches, before and after the Mass -- the Novus Ordo Mass -- people FLAP their jaws as if they are having some kind of convention!! In fact, some of them start flapping their jaws practically beginning right after the Last Blessing. But, most of them wait until the Recessional Hymn is over with. However, the door is only just about arms-length away (I'm exaggerating a little -- but for some, it really is)!! So, why can't they just keep their traps shut until they're on the other side of the doorway threshold??!!

In these such Catholic Churches, JESUS Is either tossed off to the side somewhere or He's not even in the Church itself -- but in another room!! I mean, this is HIS HOUSE!! How would YOU feel if people treated YOU this way in YOUR OWN house?? How would YOU feel being TOSSED OFF to the side or made to stay in another room . . . in YOUR OWN HOUSE?? I don't think you would be very happy about it!! So, why do this to JESUS, OUR GOD??

These so-called Catholics flap their jaws in the House of God, and yet they never visit Him . . . not even for a few minutes after Mass!! Why?? I mean, I know that people are busy and stuff.  But, why can't they spend a few extra minutes visiting Him?? After all, they DO spend 5 - 10 minutes FLAPPING their jaws in Church, after Mass!! So, why can't they use that time, instead, privately speaking to JESUS while visiting Him?? Maybe they don't really and truly -- or fully, anyway -- believe that JESUS is Really and Truly, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Most Holy Eucharist!!

You wouldn't see such actions in a Catholic Church that celebrates the Latin Tridentine Mass!! But, this is, sadly, such common occurance in a very Protestant - like Catholic Church that celebrates the Novus Ordo Mass.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.  All Praise and all Thanksgiving be every moment Thine. 


As August is winding down, the heat and humidity are cranking up!! I don't like the humidity, but then who does??

But, before we know it, it will be snowing again!!

Most people think that it's God Who causes various weather conditions.  But, that's not always the case. Our government has the ability to control the elements. They have various resources to create earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.  Most people refuse to believe this.  They seem to think that the government is perfect and then question why God would allow such things to happen to us.  God allows it because He has given each and every one of us a free will and he never interferes with our free will. And, in our free will, we sin.  In our free will, we do all kinds of things that offend Almighty God and things that do not please Him.  But, as God Is not a dictator, He allows these things to happen because He respects our free will.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just Another Blah Day!!

Today has just been one of those days where I've been feeling blah, again.  I've been feeling that way everyday for the past week.  I do take vitamins and herbs.

Speaking of herbs, I prefer herbs over medication. In fact, I'll use medication as a last resort. Herbs are healthy for people.  They're God's medication. Medication, itself, has way too many side effects!! Often times, we suffer the side effects to a certain kind of medication, and then we have to take MORE medication to combat the side effects from the other medication!! Herbal remedies may take a whole lot longer to work and to work effectively.  BUT, they are so much more healthier for everyone.  Just like medication, just because a certain kind of herbal remedy works for a certain situation, doesn't mean that it helps all people with that certain situation. Each persons body chemistry is different.

On a different 'note', as always, The Holy Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will be on EWTN tonight at 9:30 p.m. EDT.  Don't forget to pray your Rosary today, PLEASE!! 

Syria and World Peace!!

What has happened to those poor, beloved, people in Syria over the past couple of days, is unthinkable and inhumane!! It's just so absolutely TERRIBLE!! Why would Syrians want to dump chemical weapons ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE who are TOTALLY INNOCENT??!! WHY??

Those poor people!!  Who knows what the survivors will have to endure the rest of their lives because of that !! And, I keep thinking of that poor beautiful little girl, whom The CBS Evening News showed. She kept asking the doctor:  "I'm alive? I'm alive? I'm alive?" . . . only to be told that her parents were killed with this chemical weapon!! And, the images of these poor Syrians keep going through my mind -- the images of them shaking uncontrolably!! How will the doctors be able to help these poor beloved people?? How will they know what kinds of medication to give them to counteract this chemical weapon?? Will some of these people ever stop shaking?? What will happen to them as a result of this??

What about these people who dumped these chemicals on their OWN PEOPLE?? Who will try to catch them and who will charge them with any kind of crime?? They might get away with this HORRIBLE crime on earth.  But, they won't be able to get away with it with God!!

All we can do is pray for them.  And, that's the BEST thing that anyone can do for them, besides the nurses and doctors who are trying to help heal them.

As long as people continue along their sinful lifestyle and ignore The Ten Commandments, these things will continue to happen . . . all around the world.  The U.S. will not be exempt from this stuff, either.

It was either Jesus or Our Lady Who Said, at The Apparition Site of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, that "Syria holds the key to peace or to the Third World War." (I'm paraphrasing a little bit)  However, whatever happens in this world, and whatever happens to us in the Next Life, totally depends on us!! It depends on how much we try to obey The Ten Commandments of Almighty God and how much we, Catholics and Christians, pray the daily Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular, and attend the Sacraments of the Church -- for those Christians who are not Catholic, it would depend on the same as what I just mentioned; but instead of the Sacraments, it would depend on how often they attend services at their own Church denomination.

So, we need to pray -- pray a lot!! Our prayers to Almighty God can lessen such disasters!!

For the repose of the souls of those who died as a result of the chemical weapons in Syria:  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light Shine upon them.  May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Sweet Saturday!!

I went to Confession, the Rosary, and Mass at the local Catholic Church earlier!! The Sacrament of Holy Confession is SO BEAUTIFUL!! ALL Catholics MUST go to the Beautiful Sacrament of Holy Confession and confess ALL mortal sins and venial sins, too!! And, the Rosary is SO BEAUTIFUL because Our Lady, Herself, Is SO BEAUTIFUL!!  She keeps us close to The Sacred Heart of Her Divine Son, JESUS!! I don't know where'd I'd be without Our Lady!! PRAISE GOD AND BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER for the Holy Sacrament of Confession, for the Rosary, for Our Lady, for Her Brown Scapular, for the Most Beautiful Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and for ALL Seven Sacraments of the Holy Roman Catholic Church!!

Today, I also found out that my buddy, Gabe, is a volunteer firefighter and is studying to become a professional firefighter!! How AWESOME!! I'm very proud of him!! GOD BLESS HIM AND PROTECT  HIM!!  May his Holy Guardian Angel protect him always!!

Now, there's a show about Pope Paul VI on EWTN and then they will have the Rosary on after that.  So, ALWAYS pray your Rosary!! The beautiful pearls from Heaven!! PRAISE GOD AND BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER!!! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Just a Blah Feeling Kind of Day!!

Other than doing my usual stuff today -- having a nice lunch with my best friend, visiting JESUS in Adoration and praying The Rosary in front of Him, and going to a few other places -- I've just felt blah all day today.  In fact, I've been feeling that way pretty much all week. Ah well. That's life. I take vitamins and herbs. 

But, anyway, we'll be praying The Rosary at 9:30 p.m. EDT. with Mother Angelica and the Sisters on EWTN.  I hope YOU pray the daily Rosary, too!! Please pray THE ROSARY everyday!!  Anyone can pray The Rosary, not just Catholics. 

Extremely Beautiful Things!!

It has been a while since I have written on this blog.  Some very extremely beautiful things have happened!!

On Saturday, August 10th., my first nephew was born!! He is very healthy, PRAISE GOD, and he weighed in at 8 1/2 pounds!! Please pray that he gets Baptized and please pray that his mommy and daddy (my brother) get married and in the Catholic Church and please pray for his older brother, too!! PRAISE GOD AND BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER for the birth of my beautiful little nephew!! He is MY Prince Charming!!  :) My two little nieces have a new little cousin!! :) GOD BLESS ALL OF THEM!!!

August 22nd. is the most beautiful Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary!!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

August 22nd. would also be my mother's birthday if she were still alive. Please pray for the relief and release of her soul from the Fires of Purgatory!!

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light Shine upon her.  May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Lastly, August 22nd. is also the birthday of composer Claude Debussy!!

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light Shine upon him.  May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


To say "thank you" is as nothing compared to your time and sacrifice!! So, I dedicate this blog to each and every service man and woman, the veterans, and everyone's family members and friends!!

To our beloved troops, and especially to those of you who are serving overseas:   THANK YOU so much for your time, service, and sacrifice in serving our beloved country!! For those of you who are serving overseas, in war-torn countries and who are on the front-line, I just cannot imagine the HORROR that you have to see everyday!! Unimaginable!!

I just cannot imagine how beyond horrible it is to have to be consistently on guard, at all times, from the opposition.  I cannot imagine how horrible it is to witness your own military buddies getting blown up by IEDS or watching them get maimed.  How beyond HORRIBLE!! How beyond HORRIBLE it is for you to suffer PTSD and/or have limbs amputated or blown off and you each have to suffer this horrible stuff for the rest of your lives!! I am so grateful to each of you and I truly hold each of you close to my heart -- you all mean so very much to me!!

And, how beyond horrible it is that you come back to our beloved country and have to be admitted to these horrible VA hospitals -- these government owned and operated hospitals!! You all sacrifice your lives and then you are treated like complete dirt by our government -- HOW SAD!! Although our government does not care about you, I DO!!

How  The U.S. government can just expect you to come back from these war-torn countries and throw you all back into society and expect you all to fit right in is beyond me!! It's just not fair how the government treats you all!! Unless they've personally been through a similar experience, they truly do not know what it is like to have to shoot the opposition at moments notice, or to witness your best friends get killed by IEDS -- here one minute and gone the next. And, they truly have no clue as to what it's like to suffer PTSD unless they've been in similar situations.  Some of you have extreme PTSD!! Some of you suffer all kinds of horrendous, unthinkable, medical and mental problems because of fighting in war-torn countries and I hold you all very, very close to my heart!! I am so very sorry for horrendous crosses that you all have to carry!!  God bless each one of you so much!!

To the beloved family members of our beloved troops:  THANK YOU so much for sacrificing your sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, mothers or fathers, just to protect our beloved country so that we can have the freedom that we do have!! I cannot imagine how a lot of you must be feeling knowing that your loved one is deployed to a war-torn country.  I cannot imagine how you must feel knowing that you might never see your loved one alive again and a lot of you, sadly, never will.  I am so very sorry for those of you who have lost a loved one in a war-torn country!! I hold you so very close to my heart as well.

To our beloved veterans:  regardless of which war you have served in, or even if you served when it was not war-time, and regardless if you have suffered any kind of injuries or not, I THANK YOU ALL so much for your time, your sacrifice, and your devotion to our beloved country!! I truly thank you, and your family members, so very much for keeping our beloved country as safe as possible, even though our government does not seem to care!! I cannot imagine the different things each of you have experienced during your service time.  But, I hold you all so very close to my heart, too!!

To our beloved soldiers and veterans who have died:  THANK YOU!!  A simple "thank you" is no where near enough for the price you paid to keep us free.  We pray this prayer for the repose of your souls:  ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM, O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM.  MAY THEIR SOULS, AND THE SOULS OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD, REST IN PEACE.  AMEN.

As many of you probably suffer from depression, I would like to share a link to another blog I wrote, and I hope that it will help you out in some way, as well:

When you suffer, I suffer!! I love each and every one of you very dearly!!  You all mean the world to me!! I pray for each of you!! God bless each of you and thank you so much for serving our beloved country!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


My dear reader, I do NOT hate anyone!! I never hate anyone!! But, what I DO hate are the sins everyone commits, even my very own!!  I never judge anyone.  We are not allowed to judge people.  BUT, we are allowed, and it is our duty -- especially of Roman Catholics -- to judge the sin, and that's exactly what I do!! Most people, however, do not seem to know how to separate the sin from the sinner. I do.

Homosexuality, same-sex attraction, is not a sin!! It is a temptation!! BUT, those who act out on such temptations commit a mortal sin!!

Homosexuals claim that they are "born this way"!! Well, no they're not!! They're not born that way any more than we are born knowing how to speak the language that we do. In fact, I don't know if anyone can honestly say that they know what, and how, they felt in the mother's womb and at birth. Do you remember?? I sure don't!!

I do not condemn homosexuals!! It is not my place to condemn people.  BUT, I do condemn their sinful actions. Everyone, homosexuals included, are called to a life of chastity and I strongly encourage chastity!!

Homosexual acts, and unresisted thoughts,  breaks The Sixth Commandment when God Said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." It is adultery.

I truly care about everyone, homosexuals included because they are PEOPLE!! They are human beings!! Just as I am against homosexual actions, I am also definitely against them getting "bullied"!! In fact, the way bullying is nowadays, that's not bullying!! That's assault and it should be called such!! I am against any kind of violence done to homosexuals because it is done against their person.

Like everyone else, they should be treated with dignity.  They need to have all of the basic necessities of life and should never be deprived of jobs, medical treatment, food, clothing, housing, etc.-- the stuff we all need and/or should have. BUT, they don't have the right to call same-sex "marriage" marriage. Marriage is only between one man and one woman and it is not a right.  It is something that is earned.

We don't need to have "Gay Pride Parades" either. We don't have "Chastity Pride Parades" or "Heterosexual Pride Parades"-- but that might not be a bad idea, especially the chastity one because we can use such an event to promote chastity, which is a very beautiful thing!!

And, the word "gay" has been taken out of proportion.  "Gay" originally means "happy" and I don't know of any homosexuals who are "happy".

There are so many people who quietly suffer from same-sex attractions.  That's a very heavy cross for these beloved people. God bless them for carrying such a cross!! If any of you readers have same-sex attractions and you do your best to resist them, I highly encourage you to continue your fight, no matter how tiresome it gets.  I really admire you for carrying such a heavy cross.  That's commendable!! All homosexuals need to follow your example and resist their temptations, too.

For those of you who resist your same-sex attraction temptations, but fall every-now-and then, pick up your cross and keep doing your best to resist same-sex attractions.  You can do it!!

Same-sex attractions are not a sin, as long as you continue to resist such thoughts.  It becomes a sin when you give into such thoughts and take delight in such thoughts and it becomes a mortal sin when you actually actively engage in such actions. But, God is Always There to forgive you if you ask Him for His forgiveness. If you are Roman Catholic, immediately after you fall into this sin, go to Confession -- the BEAUTIFUL Sacrament!!

There is a Roman Catholic Apostolate, called "Courage", who helps ALL people, regardless of their religion, who suffer from same-sex attraction. Here is the link:

I pray for the conversion and Eternal Salvation of all homosexuals!! It's not too late to abandon your lifestyle and I highly encourage YOU to do so!! For those of you, who suffer same-sex attraction and who do your best to fight this temptation, God bless you for it!! If I can help you carry your cross in any way, please let me know.  YOU are in my prayers, as well!! KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!!


My dear reader, you are reading this for a reason and I thank you for doing so!!

I am currently 43 years old and I suffer from depression -- I've suffered it for many years. I'm currently on Zoloft for it. So, I understand what it's like. I understand the deep, deep pain that others don't understand.

There are various reasons why we suffer depression.  It could be as a result of a side effect from medication.  It could be as a result of a broken relationship or watching parents get divorced. It could be a result of the loss of a loved one or a friend.  Someone, very close to you, may have died. It could be a result of health problems or age.  Or it could just be a result of every day life. I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist.  But, I am someone who cares and I deeply care about YOU, regardless of who you are and what your status in life is. YOU mean a whole lot to me, even though we have never met or even talked.

If you are suffering depression because of the loss of a loved one or friend -- because of someone so close to you dying. I understand what that's like. That is normal.  You are experiencing grief and there is no set time, and no certain way, of overcoming the grief. You just have your own way, and your own pace, of overcoming it.  I understand what it's like because my dear mother was killed in a car accident on January 31st., 1991 right out in front of the house my family and I were living in at that time. She was my best friend at that time, too. All she was doing was letting me out of the driveway to go to my college classes that day. PRAISE GOD that I didn't see or hear the accident!!  I had already left for school and was up the street when it happened. It was for me that she died. Do I blame myself for her death?? No, because I know that it was her time to go and I know that she was going to die at that moment regardless of how. But, I guess when I really think about it, there's a slight sense of guilt because of the accident. I do miss her. I always will.  At that time, I was only 21 and my brothers were 19 and 9.  My mom was either 46 or 47 at that time -- I can't remember which, exactly -- and my dad was (and still is) 2 years older than my mom. So, naturally depression came in that situation!! Immediately after her death, and certainly as a result of it since I was depressed and grieving her death, I ended up getting sick with mono and mono-like symptoms for a total of six months.  The fact that I wasn't feeling well from mono made me even more depressed because depression comes with sickness, too.  So, I ended up taking a leave of absence from the place I was working at at the time.  I never went back to work there.  At the time of  her death, too, I was attending a local University.  In fact, when I walked into one of my classes, there was a note waiting for me to go to the hospital and that's how I found out about my mother's accident. Within a few months, I dropped out of college.

I  am also a full-time caregiver to my best friend, who is also my roommate, and he has a lot of health problems, including dementia -- the beginning of dementia.  I might not be a great caregiver because of my own depression; but, I love him dearly and I love helping him out, while letting him be as independent as possible, as much as I can. I would like to take him to his doctor's appointments and other places.  But, I can't because I don't have a car. So, another really good friend of his takes him to a lot of places that he needs to go. So, that kind of adds to the depression that I can't take him and then, after a couple of hours of them being gone, I start to worry about what is going on. But, I am his caregiver out of charity -- because it's something that I choose to do, want to do, and love to do.

Often times, depression happens as a result of family members not getting along with us. You have heard of the saying "Sticks and stones will break my bones; but words will never hurt me."  Well . . . words DO hurt; and they hurt more than physical pain because with physical pain, you can go to the medicine cabinet and take some Tylenol and within a short time the pain goes away.  But, that's not the case with depression.  Words, especially from family members, HURT at times, whether it's intentional or not. And, then when one talks about that hurt because of a family member, that particular individual feels even more hurt and guilty for talking about it -- even to a stranger -- because they love that family member. I write this from experience. So, I totally understand about all of this.  Often times, on facebook, I'll post a status update telling my facebook 'friends' (98% of them I have never met) that I care about them very deeply and I remind them to be kind to one another because they might be the one to make someone's dark day darker or their dark day brighter -- and especially on facebook  because I am sure a lot of people get on facebook to help them escape from the problems of life and then they get harshly treated, in words, on facebook.  I often times remind my facebook 'friends' to basically be cautious, and compassionate even,  as to what they say when they post something on there to someone because we DON'T know how that individual is being treated at home or how they feel at that moment unless they reveal that to us and, most of the time, that individual doesn't reveal it. I've been through it myself, where I feel very depressed and then post something on facebook and get a lot of negative comments that make me even feel worse.  Yet, no one knows that I feel depressed. When people are hurt deep down inside, I am hurt deep down inside.  I don't like it when people hurt deep down -- the hidden hurt.

Often times, we cover up our hurts with a smile so that no one sees our pain deep down. I understand how depression really hurts.  I understand about crying every day, or more than just once a day, for no reason at all. I go through that often.

I, too, know what it's like to not be able to get out of bed -- or get out of the apartment -- due to depression.  I've experienced that over the past year-and-a-half on several occasions. It's a kind of thing where the get-up-and-go got-up-and-left. Then, there's no energy to clean up the house -- in my case, the apartment. The desire is there, but the energy and will-power is not. I understand about all that. Then people think that we're messy slobs and maybe they don't want to come over to visit because of the mess. But, they don't SEE the hidden hurt -- they don't UNDERSTAND the deep depression!! If they know that there's depression, they don't care. I know what that's like because I go through that myself. For those of you who are reading this, I DO understand YOU and I DO care about YOU!!

I also understand what it feels like to not feel like eating -- that's how I felt after my mother's death and also as a result of mono. But, not eating makes one feel so much worse. It causes some other health issues, including dehydration -- ya have to eat, also, in order to stay hydrated -- and dehydration will make one feel sick, which then makes one feel more depressed. Then, there's also something which I resort to which is called "comfort food". One eats for comfort even though one is not hungry and then this naturally causes weight problems which can lead to other problems and then right back to depression. So, I completely understand about all of this since I've been experiencing this myself.

One thing I have never resorted to is alcohol and drug addiction.  Those are things that no one should resort to because they're not problem-solvers.  They're problem-givers. But, then yet I understand that people might just want to drink their pain away if even just for a short period of time. But, that's not the way. The interior pain is still going to be there.  But, the problems will just become worse because of the drugs and the alcohol and that's not something you want. And then the alcohol just makes one feel more depressed. It may be a short-term escape from the problems of life; but, it's not the answer.  So, please, never get involved with such stuff and, if you already are, please get  help to get yourself out of that mess. I encourage you all to abandon the drugs and the alcohol, if you're already using them to take your interior pain away!! You CAN do it!!

It's okay to experience sadness, grief, and depression, for whatever reason, every now and then.  But, what's not okay is suicide due to that. That's not okay because YOU are too far important to me and to everyone else and you can't let your sadness, grief, and/or depression be victorious over you!! Life is too short and you will never ever get it back!! You need to think about those who know you -- how will this effect them should you take your own life?? How this will effect them will be permanent!! Do you really want them to suffer because of this?? How do you think they will feel?? Do you even care about how they would feel?? Do you even care about how I would feel?? Suicide is never ever the answer!! So, if this is something you are considering, please, for those who love you and, for me, too, get help!!

No matter who you are and what you have done in life, and no matter what you do in life now, I really and truly care about YOU!! YOU are special to me, although we have never even corresponded, let alone met. If you would like to send me a personal email and 'chat' about anything, please always feel free to do so!!  Here is my email address:  Like I mentioned, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or even a counselor.  But, I am someone who cares about YOU!! I pray for you and God loves YOU!!

God bless you always!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Busy Day!!

My best friend and I had a busy day!! He had various medical tests to go through at a local Catholic hospital.  Please pray that his test results are normal.  We even prayed The Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary in front of JESUS, in The Most Blessed Sacrament!! It's always so beautiful spending time with JESUS in The Most Holy Eucharist!! PRAISE GOD AND BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER!!!

But, I am very exhausted and I'm sure my best friend is, too!!

God bless!!!